I like how I've been blogging once amonth, almost always around the 7-9th of that month. hmmm...


Well let's see.  Secrets of My Prison House went fairly well.  I had a blast twerking and being the most disgusting teen girl ever.  I am a little mad that Miley Cyrus stole my twerk-thunder.  Ah well...

In other news, I'll be in Kurt Klienman's Rehearsal for Murder (formerly The Color of Death!) as Jenny, the ingenue.  I really get a kick working with the Pegsaus Theatre group.  Every show I've done has been one of theirs since I landed in DFW.  And the incompareable Michael Serrechia will be directing again.  Yay!  I'm ready to drain the color and go Black and White with this group.

Also, FUNimation! has released an English cast list, so I can finally say I worked on Evangelion 3.33: You Can (Not) Redo.  I'm just a bunch of background stuff during a sequence on a floating aircraft carrier (because....Japan).  I'm like three layers back in the mix, but if you squint your ears really hard, I bet you can find me. The premiere is in NYC I think this next week.

And of course, the Halloween costume construction begins...and is actually almost done.  Halloween 2013


I ordered the hat necessary to complete this ensemble last night, so it should be here by the end of the week.  Good stuff!