So over the past couple of weeks I've been getting antsy to be acting again.  Like you do.   I've been cast in one show at ICT: Secrets of My Prison House, with some good friends.   This last week I auditioned with Circle Theatre in lovely downtown Fort Worth.  Sundance Square: Where you can park if you have money.   I did the initial audition and was immediately invited to the callback which was held Sunday.  Good stuff.

I do the callback for that, not really sure how that one was going to shake out.  I"m still waiting for some sort of yay or nay on that.

Today, however, I have a call back with FUNimation, an anime production house where they primarily sub in English actors for Japanese anime.  Really super excited with that prospect.  I"ve always wanted to be a voice actor since I could remember, so wish me luck, anyone who actually read this!